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...PROPRIETORY Software.


Home Background Comparison Rules of
Open Source


Advantages and Disadvantages

Open-Sources Software

Proprietary Software

Page by Reggie Claassen


Template Monster in the United Kingdom


Advantages and Disadvantages
for proprietary Software

Proprietary Software




Proprietary software has three advantages over Open-source software.

First, most of proprietary software is very user friendly for those people that are computer illiterate

Second, normally proprietary software receives allot of updates fixing spyware problems.

Third, bugs in software gets fixed with regular updates




Proprietary software has two disadvantages over Open-source software.

First, the code for proprietary software is generally kept secret and can't be changed by the user.

Second, a user purchases only the compiled version of proprietary software and has no choice but to use the software as it is.







Website produced by Sarah Hui, Ben Blackman, Reggie Claassen and Aaron McDougall
Disclaimer: This website was developed to fulfil the course requirements of an assignment in Computer Applications and the Information Age (158100) at Massey University.