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...PROPRIETARY Software.


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Open Source



Examples of Open Source.

Examples of Proprietary.

Page by Aaron McDougall


Template Monster in the United Kingdom


Examples Of Open Source Software.

Since the Open Source Software cann be defined as a computer software for which human-readable source code is made avaiable under a copyright licence that meets in line with the Open Source Definition.

So there are quite a few examples that Open Source Software comes in from free packages avaiable to download on the internet to a huge range of Games that have been created. Also there have been quite a few top websites that some Universities and Colleges use throughtout the world.

Examples (Websites):

Examples (Games):

GNU Chess is a chess program (Shown Below)


SuperTux is a classic 2D jump and run game (Shown Below)


Temulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. (Shown Below)




Website produced by Sarah Hui, Ben Blackman, Reggie Claassen and Aaron McDougall
Disclaimer: This website was developed to fulfil the course requirements of an assignment in Computer Applications and the Information Age (158100) at Massey University.